April 22, 2020

PharmAI Now Official Maintainer of PLIP

PharmAI takes over the maintenance of the Protein-Ligand Interaction Profiler (PLIP). PLIP, a command line tool and a web service for fully automated characterization of non-covalent […]
April 27, 2020

Rapid Identification of Novel PDE2 Inhibitors

Rapid Identification of Novel PDE2 Inhibitors with in silico Driven Library Prioritization and MicroScale Thermophoresis In a joint effort, PharmAI GmbH and 2bind GmbH have identified […]
May 26, 2020

PharmAI at BIO Digital 2020

Meet us to hear more about our scaffold diversification technique and how we can accelerate your drug discovery process.
September 1, 2020

New Off-Target Analysis Service

PharmAI provides now a unique off-target screening service covering 95% of human proteome target.